The beach of El Cotillo. Located to the right of the urban core of the town of El Cotillo, you will find a dirt road that runs parallel to the cliff that borders the beach. You drive 15 meters above sea level and the beach and that allows you to choose which will be the corner where you can spend a nice day at the beach. But if there is something about this beach, it always has magnificent conditions for surfing. According to the wave conditions of the north of Fuerteventura, schools move from one beach to another and one of the ones that is always taken into account is this beach, because when the wave is accessible to beginners it is a must.
In this video of our channel OHANA GUEST HOUSE we show a perfect day for our OHANA SURF CAMP and CORRALEJO SURF CAMP to offer surf courses for our students. While the beaches on the side of Corralejo were flat and without waves in El Cotillo and the other beaches in the north of Corralejo you could find perfect conditions.
This is the idea, the schools in the region have all the possible alternatives to offer a good surf session to their students every morning, the instructors review the weather reports, the surfing websites for the day and decide with them in which beach they will give the courses that day in particular. The students only need to get into the vans and the instructors will lead them to the most suitable spot.
We hope that this small contribution from Ohana Guest House will help you
organize your vacations
Also you may be interested about surf lessons or surf camp in Corralejo, please check the follow link
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Ohana Guest House
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